First off, Dar did not come home yesterday. I’m not sure
what to make of his absence. I know he lives in a little house in Lubbock and goes to classes all day, and studies hard, enjoys his friends, and laughs a lot. He is a kind person. That is why I accepted him as my human. I will have to figure this out.
Today was Monday (?) and started out like all the other days since Dar’s departure.
Mom woke me at 4:30am to feed me. Doesn’t she know how early that is? Lady, get
Then mom left
(what is it with this family always leaving?), and I was home alone with dad.
Dad does not strike me as the kind of guy who likes cats. In his past he was a
dog person, I can tell. It will be an interesting day. I hope that Dar will
return, or at the very least mom will appear! Maybe I’ll get on dad’s lap today
and try to win him over.
So, I spent a lot of time on the sofa, sleeping. Am I becoming a couch kibble? It was a dreary day, cloudy and humid. Give me one of those dry Lubbock days anytime!
I now know that
dad is a dog person. He read me an email from Bailey, a golden retriever, who
lives in California with friends of dad and mom. Bailey wants to be some sort
of pen pal! I guess it would be OK to correspond with a dog. Bailey did send me his photo! That was thoughtful. He sure is a handsome,happy fellow!
Bailey, I don’t purr much
so you better not get the wrong impression! I’ve lived a hard life out on the
street during my early youth, and I'm always alert and aware of what is going
on. It took me two weeks to feel slightly comfortable coming into the big
living room at this house. I was most comfortable under Dar’s bed. But, that is
changing. I realize that dad and mom are nice
people, and I can con them into just about anything!
For example, mom did
come home this afternoon, that a girl! And she brought me two cans of salmon and a new ball! How
about that! I wonder how far I can take this relationship…? Dar, you better be careful, I may decide to become dad and mom's cat! But they go to bed far too early, and wake up even earlier! And they are kind of old!
And, a pet peeve of mine is how mom compares me to her Emma! Emma was a saint, Emma was perfect, Emma never bit the hand that fed her... They even have a photo of Emma on the mantle, next to a photo of Dar! Emma used to sleep on dad's chair!
Well, Emma couldn't even jump up to the window sill to look out Dar's window! I can do that easy as pie! Mom always says "How does Chester do that?"
And all dad has to say is that I stink up the house! Dog lover!!!
I guess all humans are different. Dar thinks I am the "cat's meow", isn't that right Dar? Oh Dar, when will you come get me?
Well, Emma couldn't even jump up to the window sill to look out Dar's window! I can do that easy as pie! Mom always says "How does Chester do that?"
And all dad has to say is that I stink up the house! Dog lover!!!
I guess all humans are different. Dar thinks I am the "cat's meow", isn't that right Dar? Oh Dar, when will you come get me?
We are Dar’s parents and we want to speak out in our own defense. Chester is making a mountain out of a mole hill! Dar came home for Christmas break, bringing Chester with him. The day before he returned to Lubbock, he told us that his roommate did not want a cat in the house, and Lubbock is too cold for outdoor living in the winter. What could we do? This situation is hopefully temporary, until Dar finds a new place to live next summer (wow, that’s a long time!). We are making the best of the situation by writing this blog. It keeps Dar apprised of Chester’s doings, and gives us some fun! And we are beginning to appreciate Chester as the unique cat that he is.
ReplyDeleteHello Chester. I am not in the habit of talking to purry-things. After all, the two that share a house with me are not very friendly to us cute puppies. But maybe you are different; after all, you were nice enough to post a photo of me on your blog.
ReplyDeleteYour mom gets up everyday at 4:30!!???? That is cruel. My dad gets up at 5:30 - a little more reasonable, but still too early. When he does I just look at him and say, "You expect me to go outside in the cold at THIS hour? Forget it!" But, being a purry-thing, you probably just go back to sleep after you've had your salmon. That's all you purries do -- eat and sleep. And hiss at me.
Well, I hope that you can find this Dar person to whom you refer. He sounds like a nice human. Maybe he likes cute puppies?
- Bailey